Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SharePoint 2010 >> Useful Web Part Configuration

When you add some Web Part you can do handful things like following:
  • Change the Web Part Group:

Change the group that the Web Part will be categorized in, which is shown when inserting the web part on a page:At the file Elements.xml, exists under your Web Part folder, modify value="Cusotm" at the following line to be something like "Starways":
<Property Name="Group" Value="Custom" />
  • Change Web Part Title and Description

Those which are used when inserting the web part:
At file YourWebPartName.webpart, exists under your Web Part folder, change the text in the following nodes to some meaning full one:

        <property name="Title" type="string">YourWebPartName</property>
        <property name="Description" type="string">My Visual WebPart</property>
  • Hide Chrome immediately when the Web Part is added:

At file YourWebPartName.webpart, exists under your Web Part folder, add the following node under <properties>:
        <property name="ChromeType" type="chrometype">None</property>
  • Provide any default value for your Web Part properties:

Similar to hiding the Chrome. At file YourWebPartName.webpart, exists under your Web Part folder, add something similar to the following node, under <properties>:
        <property name="ListName" type="string">You Default List Name</property>

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(Muhammad Altabba)محمد الطباع 
SharePoint Developer with Project Management and Team Leadership Activities